January 13


This is a story that will eventually center around loss- if I ever finish writing it. It’s a war story set in around the 1860s, based on the American Civil War.

      If the first BOOM is loud, the second is deafening. 

      The world is completely silent until I hear a faint ringing. It gets louder and louder and I cover my ears, but the ringing is not dampened in the slightest. Its volume increases still; my head is throbbing and it feels like my brain is going to combust. I reach for my head and curl up beside my discarded musket, but the ringing doesn’t stop for what seems like hours.

      So I wait there.

      I can’t think; I can barely remind myself to breathe.

      Until finally, finally, the ringing begins to fade away. My migraine is the worst I’ve ever had, but still I wrack my injured brain for a possible source of such loud sounds…

      I look up and I see men running towards me, weapons raised, and I can just barely hear their battle cry over the intense silence in my head. I spin around and I realize now what must’ve happened: the barricade has fallen. They’ve bombed it, and now they’re filtering through the wreckage. It is a menacing sea of angry, determined faces atop an indistinguishable mass of green fabric. 

      Well, shit.

      I’ve no time to think anything else. I drop to the ground in search of my gun, running my hands through the tall, dead grass. The moment I lay my hands on it, I feel an intense warmth in my foot, one I’ve felt too many times before. I know I’ve been shot before I see the wound, and I know I can do nothing about it. I secure my musket in my hands and turn quickly on my knees, scanning the battlefield for my shooter. When I do not find an imminent threat, I jump to my feet and sprint into the woods, doing my best to ignore the growing ache in my foot.

      Having been shot a good sixteen times, I’ve gotten quite used to the feeling of a bullet entering and exiting my body. The first time I was hit, the pain was much greater and affected me much more than it does now. It felt like I’d been stabbed in the shoulder with a hot nail, and then hit repeatedly with a bat. It was not a fun experience. Perhaps I’ve grown stronger since, or perhaps the foot is a less sensitive area, but now it feels like my foot has suffered only a bee sting. 

      That is, until my foot is caught on an exposed root and I find myself flat on the ground with a mouthful of dirt and dead leaves. I come to notice, however, as I rise to a sitting position and clutch my throbbing foot, that I did not trip on a tree root, but a human leg. For a reason that I can not devise, I reach my hand towards it. Before my hand makes contact, the rest of its body bursts out from under the layer of leaves laid over the forest floor. Its face, though smeared with mud, was slightly recognizable-

      “Eddie? Oh thank god you’re here! I been out here for hours because I can’t really move and there weren’t no one around to gimme a hand. Damn, I must’ve fallen asleep after making my disguise! Genius, innit?”

      “Joseph? Are you all right, there?” is all I say to the man on the ground, who happens to be a very good friend of mine, more a brother. He’s the only family I’ll have left after the war is over. Which is why I need to make sure he lives through it.

      “Oh, I’m feeling quite fine, brother. I just got plugged a few in the back, y’know how it is.”

      “Plugged? You were shot in the back?! You could be paralyzed! We have to get you to the doc’s tent, c’mon!” I grab him by the shoulders, disregarding my own wound completely. He groans in pain, but I lift him to his feet and lead him swiftly towards the medic’s tent. The location of which, I soon realize, I’m not quite sure of. I don’t even know which direction we’re heading in. North? East? Hold on, where is the sun..?

      “Eddie? Edward!” the man in my arms raises his voice, interrupting my thoughts, “I’m fine. Go back to your station.” At my skeptical expression, he sighs. “I really am okay. I can walk, look!” he says, pushing away from me and hobbling slowly a few feet ahead of me. 

      “No. I’m taking you to the medic; we’re almost there,” I say, putting his arm around my shoulder once more. 

      “You don’t even know where the tent is! I can get there myself, and you’d be much more useful out there winning the battle for us,” he argues.


      “Pipe down, man.” Joseph interrupts, pushing me away once more. “You’re one of the best soldiers we’ve got, and you wasting your time on little ol’ me will certainly not help us win this battle.”

      His argument is good enough, but the decision I must make is this: Do I care more for life of my best friend, or aiding in my country’s victory over the south? I am completely sure that, however selfish, I’d choose the former. How much help would one more person be? In Joseph’s case, a butt ton, but in the case of the battle, we’ve tens of thousands of soldiers fighting out there. I’d be merely one more man.

      My mind made, I say nothing and lead Joseph along at a slightly quicker pace, to which he emits a sigh of either defeat or exasperation -perhaps a combination of the two- but he does not argue. I’ve won this round.

      We walk only half a mile before we reach the medic’s tent. I drop him off in a rush, and I am promptly shoved out of the marquee by a nurse when she decides I am not majorly injured. I guess she didn’t notice my bloody footprints.

January 13

Time Keeps Ticking

This short story is a snapshot inside the mind of a neurotic minded person going through a mental breakdown.

By: Vanessa Woodson

Every morning I wake up to the sun shining through my right window, blinding me as I begin to open my eyes. My dog, Koda, barking up a storm. He insists every morning at exactly 7:02, he has to go outside. It really gets on my nerves. Can’t the damn dog just take a rest and sleep a little? Especially since I am the type of person who will sleep in until the last minute but will still be on time. 


After I get up and let the damn dog out back, I pour myself a cup of coffee, which my husband has so generously left for me, and go grab the newspaper from the front stoop. I sit down at the kitchen counter as I sipped my coffee read the newspaper and enjoy my toast. Then that damn dog starts barking again, I turn my head a look through the glass window and say “quite you!!!”. I turn my head back and glance at the clock above the stove, 8:21. I realize I have to deal with my boss in exactly 89 minutes. I sipped my coffee and take exactly four minutes to moan. If I had waited any longer I would be late and any earlier I would be early it had to be exactly four minutes. I head upstairs and take my normal ten-minute shower, two-minutes brushing my teeth and five minutes figuring out what to wear. That leaves me with exactly 21 minutes on the dot to finish reading the New York Times before I have to drive 2o damn minutes to a job that I despise. Once I arrive it takes about 2.23 minutes to hear about Joe and Tom brag about their athletic children. Then it takes 4.5 minutes to hear my boss complain that I never do anything right. What a joke right? Wrong. 


I spend 9.43 hours at this job and it takes me 27.2 minutes to get home, damn traffic. Then I have to take two more minutes out of my time to let Koda out, two more minutes to feed him. By the time I am done that and cooking dinner I only have 34.2 minutes to myself beforing laying on my rock solid bed. I don’t fall asleep for another 5.6 minutes trying to find the correct position. That can drive a person mad! Not being able to find the correct position to sleep. God damn I just want some sleep.


But that’s not the only thing that will drive you crazy, what really makes you crazy is when something goes wrong. Something that has been happening every single day or your life for the last 25.67 years. When the one thing you hoped would never go wrong and it did. What if you wake up 46.7 minutes late because there was no damn dog barking for you to take him out. This causes you to be late for work, you know have a 20 minute drive in god awful traffic with only 3.21 minutes to get there on time. You are screwed. So then you think your just waste time trying to get there. In exactly 10 seconds you will call into work and say you came down with something. The phone


rings for exactly 6.3 seconds and a monitored voices comes on and says there is no work today because something bad has happened. You hang up and wonder what could have happened and head home. Once home you head upstairs to take a shower. 


This time your shower is much longer than your normal ten-minutes. It takes you about three more minutes to wonder what the red goo is that is dripping from your body. Then it takes about two more minutes for you to just assume you cut yourself while shaving your legs or something.


You go downstairs and put on your favorite show and after watching for about 55.3 minutes, you start to wonder where Koda is and what was the bad thing that happened at work today. While thinking about this for 16.2 minutes, you bite your nails and the taste of iron hits your tongue, you realize you have red goop under your fingernails. Ugh. You think to yourself, that is just disgusting. So you head upstairs to your bathroom which takes about 24.3 seconds , got to wash your hands, for 3.5 minutes, in the bathroom that you never ever use. So you decided to look around for 5.6 minutes before leaving the room. While looking you notice there is also red goop all over the walls, the same goop that was under your nails. without leaving any time to count you pull back the shower curtain. 


You stare in awe for about 8.6 minutes and realize you have to clean up. Suddenly there is a knock at the door… no one ever comes over so who could it be. The knock keeps knocking and knocking for about 7.8 seconds. But there is no time, there’s no time to answer the door, you have to clean. Everything has to be cleaned in seven minutes,  exactly seven minutes no more no less. But no it cant be seven minutes no no no thats too long it has to be ummmm about 5 minutes. Wait no no no five minutes is too short. The knocking starts again and this time getting louder and faster, every 4.3 seconds, and it wont stop it keeps going. But I can’t stop I just cant I have to clean, I have to clean up this mess. But then the knocking…


January 10

What if Germany won WWII

It was the Summer of 1941.Leon Muller,General of Germany 9th Tank Division,was sent by Chancellor Hitler to Japan in order to learn more about the attack they plan to set on the United States. When Leon saw this plan it was clear that it show be a success. All of the Battleship was destroyed,Their Air force will be cribled and their Aircraft carriers will be gone.It will destroy the U.S. moral and their republic will fall.

“So when will this attack be held”

“December 7” The General said with a grin.

Muller went back to Germany and inform the fuer about the attack in extreme detail.On the day of the attack,the top commanders listening to the radio.

“It was an overwhelming victory.”The Ambassador said over the radio.

“That wonderfully,Muller can you send the leader of the Kriegmarines into my office please I have an Important message to tell him”.

Leon did what he was ordered to do,And went on to focus on his tank division.The winter remain uneventful at least for him.For the rest of the army they were pushed back by the red army.Hitler Order his troops to weather the Russian winter and to wait for warmer weather. During the winter,Hitler wanted to put more resources in the south of Russia.During the Spring the Chancellor order Leon troop to head for the Soviet Union to help the 6th and 4th panzer division to  take the city of Stalingrad.It was a ferrous fight however they took the city which was good.His Division was able to trap the force in the caucuses where the oil was.


January 10

Roses are Blue: A Shade of Life

This is kind of an introduction so there is need for an explanation.

Enjoy 🙂




Last week someone asked me what my favorite color was. I said blue. 


Blue can be anything, right? The cold autumn air, the ocean water painting the skies, the taste of the sweetest of things. But in truth, blue isn’t the nicest of colors. I can go as far as to say I hate it. I hate how it looks back at me, staring for a bit too long. It makes my skin crawl. Or how she gives me the cold shoulder when I try to tell her I miss her, in my own way. I’m starting to think that she doesn’t need her family, or at least not me. 

Or how he suffocates my words with the smoke of his cigarettes. 

Mom is starting to look a bit too tired, don’t you think? I think when you are losing a child like she is you just don’t feel the same. I wish that wasn’t the case.

But it’s ok, because I’m still here for her.


Last week I got nervous, I don’t know why, but I guess that’s just how I am. My lips felt heavy and my words shy. I was being timed, like always. I had to say something.


I can’t say I hate blue when I lie about it. I am so bored of blue. Bored of this dullness. Of sowing my mouth shut to make them feel like I like blue. To let them think that I’m ok with it. They trusted me, so now they believe I like blue. I am expected to like blue.

Now, I am forced to like blue. 


Last week I realized I don’t have a favorite color. But now they think it is blue.

January 9


It explains itself!!!!



It’s been about 2 years since they tried to pass that damn prohibition amendment. They was saying that us men were alcoholics and was hittin our women which wasn’t true at all. Since that didn’t become a amendment there hasn’t been a lot of crime around here people have all just been friendly and everyone likes everyone else. There is still some things wrong with the world like equal rights for colored and women. I mean there ain’t nothin that I can do about the laws but to treat everyone as my equal which is what I do. Back to the prohibition amendment we don’t drink that much we have a couple beers, or two glasses of whiskey that’s it nothin too serious. They said that all men are abusive so they should ban alcohol. Everyone knows that not every guy is like that but they will say whatever to get their dumb amendment passed. 



I forgot to mention that I’m Al Capone. I own a store and work there with my wife Helen and two sons George, and Nate. I forgot to mention that We also have a dog named Buddy. Every year Helen, George, Nate, Buddy and I take a trip to Coney Island. We have a blast, me and the boys get on rides. When I’m not running the store me and my two boys play a nice game of catch. We live in a nice apartment building I mean it ain’t the best but it’s perfect for us. At least it was until the day. The day that my wife and son died. I still remember it like it was yesterday. Nate, Buddy, and I went to get supplies for the store. While we were gone a fire broke out,and the store burnt done. But my wife, and son didn’t get out of the building in time. Now our perfect life was over.

January 9

The Orbiter and The Final Days

Set in the distant future, The Orbiter is a sci-fi/fantasy hybrid novel that explores the extremes of how emptiness and greed can destroy and corrupt a person.

This is only the first several pages of what I expect to be a VERY long term project.

Any questions? Contact me at jethomas513@gmail.com




     The Realm of Chius.

     Chius was once a large land of prosperity.  Rivers blessed the land they travelled across, bringing many types of aquatic creatures inland as well.  Forests developed and grew, varying in size, type, inhabitants, and climate. The Elders of Modern Humanity were born near once such river, and spread to the far expanses of the globe.  They developed rapidly, and soon began to explore the stars. Before they could get too far, war broke out. The world became polarized, divided into two. It had seemed that one of the two nations would rise above the other, and rule the world.

     Until The Orbiter came. Continue reading

January 9

Romanticizing Reality

By: Sophia Wynn

Being a nobody is something Kenzie was always good at. Jake on the other hand, is the most popular football player in high school. While Kenzie tries to hide her feelings for Jake, they only grow stronger. Jake tries to make Kenzie like him by getting her jealous. This for obvious reasons creates problems. Will they ever be a couple? 

    I remember 8 years ago today, we laid on the playground together looking up at the sky. He was looking up at the clouds memorizing their shape until they formed new ones. Not only was I staring at him. I tried to memorize every little detail about him. The way his face was chubby and his brown eyes dazzled as his pupil grew and contracted when the sun hid behind the clouds. In the middle of memorizing his profile he caught me staring at him. I looked away faster than any other embarrassed 3rd grader. We were always so close, but things changed the next day. Mainly because school started and we had different interests which then put us in different cliches and that grew us apart. It was like a football and sketchbook determined our paths and I lost my best and only friend that day.

Now every detail I remember became great inspiration for my art project. Jake was now  the center of my honors 1 art class portfolio. Everything I drew was based upon that memory. As I color in his face using a tan crayola colored pencil the bell rings and I clean up and head to lunch. When I get to the cafeteria I see him radiating as the sun in his little solar system, surrounded by other jocks and populars. Of course he doesn’t notice when I walk in because while he’s too busy trying to get enough leg room between the girls, I sit at an empty table in the corner of the room watching the whole “can you scoot over?” conversation going on. I was particularly excited for lunch today because I had packed the leftover pad thai that I had for dinner last night in a thermos. I forgot a fork that day so I had to walk all the way across the cafeteria just to grab a fork and believe me. Walking through the tables of populars is not fun when they prefer to joke on you over every other loser in this hell hole. Sierra, the ringleader of the bunch particularly has a special name for me and trying not to say something back to her one liners is so unreasonably hard. For example she’ll say “Hey Maddie. When’s the baby due?” and just to clarify no, i’m not pregnant and no i’m not fat and no, i’m not a slut, but yes, she’s making fun of me for all three of those things. The things I would say to that would be like “I don’t know ask your boyfriend.” or “Hey Sierra. When’s dad coming home?” but I would never say those things, or not until I work up the courage to. For now I just keep looking down until I finally reach my seat. Even with our history, Jake acts like he doesn’t know me until we are safe within our Calculus walls where he’s forced by assigned seats to sit next to me. 

January 9

No Expectation

Sometimes you may never see things coming, curveballs being thrown, a sharp right turn. THEN BOOM. It happens. 



Junior year, where it all started. I was a junior at least, Paco was a senior. I never met him before, never heard of him, frankly never knew he existed…maybe it would have been better if it stayed like that …Anyways, it was junior year around hmmm I’d say mid september and I had made a last minute decision to have my friend group over, with the exception of a few other people, to party, drink, and start the new school year off in the most fun way we could. Soon after we had all had been partying for a bit, Terra (one of my close friends at the time) came up to me in a hurry and pleaded “Andrea PLEASE let Simon and like 4 of his friends come, I promise they are so chill PLEASE”. After being a tad hesitant, I happily replied with a wide smile “sure why not!” and so enough, 10 minutes later I opened my front door to the new faces of Simon, Rick, Jameson, and Paco. Things got out of hand fast as more and more new faces started to approach the door. I think some of my adderall even got stolen. Paco and I didn’t exchange much more words other than “Oh hey,” Wait that’s right, and his phone number. After everyone left about an hour later I cleaned up the mess that was waiting for me, and finally went to sleep. But what happened next, I never would’ve guessed…

January 9


The following piece is about a few highschool students who went through the traumatic situation of an invader at their high school where they traumatically lost a friend. This part explains two years after the incident and where they stand now.



The aftermath

Dekato Wilson

It took a long time to get over Finn, honestly I was never and still am not completely over it. I still have trouble talking about it. I shouldn’t have made him come with me, we all should have sprinted. What if I did something different. Would Finn be alive? But an even more crazy question, would Roo and Ashton be dead? 

Ever since then Roo has become more outgoing, she joined cheerleading, stopped going to  counseling and overcame her depression a few months later, started to find herself from the trauma. She learned life’s too short and I think she started dating someone but she won’t tell me who. We are still friends. 

Monica really struggled after the whole thing. She didn’t really know how to cope for the first year, she went to a lot of counseling to help but she definitely struggled for awhile with guilt. She still goes but only once a month and she’s on meds. She hadn’t been around much but she returned and she’s doing a lot better than before. I’m proud of her from afar, she kind of pushed me away for awhile until she figured things out but I hope she knows we still love her.   

I am 16 now. After the incident I picked up the habit of drinking a little more but I cut back more with the help of Roo. Ashton and I have been going two years strong. I would never have thought I could say this but he is even more awesome than before. Good Grades as well as a great football player, good boyfriend, family helper and helps tutor kids, and well me sometimes. He made it into honors and joined photography club which is different from his other usual sports; football, basketball and lacrosse . Life has been increasingly getting better and even though I miss Finn everyday and it truly has taught me to take nothing for granted, taught me to be positive and much more. Thank you Finn.


January 9

She’s Not Normal By Moon

For this story you should know while the character’s names are familiar, the story is not. It’s a twist on the normal realistic fiction books. Coraline, our main character, is hiding things from the people she loves and the people she hates. If you’d like to find out why, keep reading.


I hope to make this a finished book at some point and this is only a chunk of the first chapter so if you’d like to read the rest of the chapter and hopefully more, Ill leave my email so you can get in touch.

Email: 201931@bluedemons.org



I hope you enjoy.- Moon




Chapter 1: She’s a Doll.



 She needed to write, she needed to clear her head. She grab the little note book off her nightstand and held it for a moment. Felt the way it felt in her hands. Leather with twine binding wrapped around it with flowers painted on the front.  She opened to a clean page and began to write a poem. After almost an hour, this is all she had.

After you left

My life started to crumble

After the phone calls stopped

After the “Im Sorry”

After you decided that it wasn’t worth it

After I started to move on

After looking at the picture didn’t hurt anymore

After seeing the stone made for you

After time had gone back to before

But still

After all this time, I’d wish you were still here.


It hurt her to look at. God she missed him. It had been 6 months since Ben died. He was her best friend, he meant everything to her. She sat there quietly for a minute, before she shut her notebook. She didn’t know if she felt better or not. Wybie hadn’t really texted her, she figured he was mad. Oh well, she with it later. She was tired and needed to sleep. She didn’t even remember her head hitting the pillow.