December 15

Three Stages of Freezing

Winter. Its claws rake across barren fields of slushy grass and frozen mud. Grey, dull visions of daily weather left unchanging. When the only contagious thing is the flu and the billowing wind sweeps away all possible plans for outdoor play, young children lay idle and restless. Is there an end in sight? 

The lamps lining the parking lot sidewalk cast an orange glow over the drifting snow, blanketing each crack. Behind me, I trail a path of hollowed out footprints. Beside me, lazy cars meander, eager to return home. Yet snowplows hold them sleeping in their lanes, puffing clouds of condensation in response to the exhaustion of air conditioning. That frigid breeze builds, sweeping snow over roofs and down to the sparkle that shines off the lights bouncing from house to house, twinkling with anticipation. 

Winter. Dressed in gray and frosty blues, gazes over intricate shapes and flurries, falling from the sky. They dance and sing. I can hear them ringing as they hit my bare hands. A soft jingle like a Christmas tune. Why have I never heard of a small speck of snow that is able to trill?

There are red birds. Vibrant and lovely, picking their share of berries off a prickly green bush, each a shade of ruby. Splashes against the crystal-clean snow as they fall. I can hear the chattering of squirrels, their claws tapping against the bare umber trees. Fluffy tails and shiny furry coats slick with condensation. Laughter of children tumbling off their sleds, their acceleration descending as they glide down steep slopes. Joy is contagious, when friends join them in their boisterous excitement. They even build friends, crafting secure snowmen with a shared winter scarf and hat, topped with a crisp carrot nose that their dogs would surely devour if given the chance. I know mine would without hesitation. I watch my own breath dance and twirl as I smile, then walk away.

Winter. Why is it that winter, though characterized with continuous barren and darkness, has so much life to offer? It’s beautiful in its glow; peaceful in the lights that glisten in pure snow. It’s lively and lush, not all but gray, its reds and blues. Even hints of orange hues. It’s warm burrows of sleeping animals, snug as they lie resting. Travel to scenes you know, friends and family of your own. 

Winter comes and winter goes, sometimes it’s nice to appreciate the cold!

Posted December 15, 2023 by kirati in category Fiction Writing

3 thoughts on “Three Stages of Freezing

  1. ilariaca

    I love the amount of detail that you put into this! It’s romanticizing the cold, the snow, the clouds, and I love it!!


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