December 19

The Adventures of Captain Jackoleta And Beans


The storms aggravated the sea. Waves crashed up and down upon the Ferret. The ship swayed from side to side, close to tipping into the black void of the sea. Beans ran down from the crow’s nest, banana in hand. This banana, however, was not a normal banana. It, unlike most, came from the secret island of Banoragnte. Defined by its orange skin wrapped around a silky, sweet fruit. 

Beans continued his panicked run into the captain’s quarters where one could find the captain of the so-mentioned mighty ship. 

Jackoleta sat in a broad chair, entrusted with a velvety red fabric running through the chair’s dark wooden frame. A desk lay in front of the captain. Its edges lined with gold, it was clearly just a bragging right for all the riches Jackoleta had. She spun a quill in her hand, and a  pile of ink lay in front of her sloped into mildly legible words. 

Beans, bananas still in hand, climbed up the desk and sat on the spilled ink, black covering his tail as he held the banana up to his master. 

“What be this Beans,” the captain said.

Beans, for he was a monkey and couldn’t talk, pointed to the sea through a large window covering the back wall of the room. Jackoleta turned her head to see the raging ocean still pushing her ship around. 

“The ocean ya say Beans.”

The monkey nodded. 

“ So yer telling me that you found a floatin’ banana, a floating orange banana whilst you was up in the crow’s nest.”

The monkey nodded again.

“This, Beans… This means me ship be close to the one and only Banoragnte.”

Jackoleta jumped out of her seat, her short auburn hair bouncing as she got up. The ship continued to sway back and forth sending the Captain flying each time as she struggled to open the door. 

She called through the pounding rain for Jeremy, the boy who was meant to be in the crow’s nest, but alas it seemed the boy had run under the deck for protection.

Jackoleta smiled knowing she would prefer to do things herself anyway, regardless of the fact that she could easily be thrown off the ship if she went on deck. She pursued her idea and climbed the masts to the crow’s nest. Once at the top, her brown eyes peered down at the water where she could see hundreds of orange bananas floating on the surface of the sea. 

The captain cheered from her spot “ The Banana’s Beans!”

In an instant, the Monkey joined Jackoleta, perched on her shoulder. The captain pulled out her telescope and looked into the foggy distance in hopes of finding land. 

Thunder continued to cover the sky. Sudden bursts of wind appeared and Jackoleta turned just in time to see one of the masts snap in half. It crashed through the ship, almost splitting it in two as the wooden pole rolled into the sea. A small fire had started at the edges of the broken floor and pirates flooded out of the gally onto the deck. 

The wind continued to grow stronger, pushing the ship onto its beaten side. Beans held tight to Jackoleta’s white blouse, while the captain grasped onto the surrounding ropes. She gracefully slid down one until her feet hit the wet deck. Screaming crewmates surrounded her as the sails of the ship started to rip. The captain opened her rosy lips to give out orders, but before she had the chance to release a sound a wave crashed down on the ship, submerging the brown body of the Ferret. 


Beans awoke, he found himself still gripping the captain’s shoulder. Jackoleta, covered in sand, lay in a deep sleep. The monkey released his grip and looked at the area around him. There was no sight of any of the crew, all that was around him was a calm sea, and swaying palm trees basking in the bright sun. 

The captain stirred in her sleep. Beans, knowing the captain’s tendency to sleep in, took this opportunity to find a stick and whack the captain on the head. She bolted up, arrogance in her eyes. 

“Beans” she groaned “ I do not need your help to wake!”

The monkey, knowing that wasn’t the truth, pointed toward the palm trees. Behind them, a forest seemed to be beyond the trees. 

Jackoleta rose from her spot, leaving an imprint of her body in the hot sand.

“Follow me,” she said to the monkey.

The two walked into the woods, Jackoleta muttering ideas of what to do next. Finally, Jackoleta started pacing. 

“No ship, no crew,” she turned to Beans, “ just me… and you. Of course, I’m the one stuck with a monkey.”

Beans scowled at her as she stopped pacing to stand on a tall rock she had found. A glimmer appeared in her eye as she reached up to grab something in a tree. Of course, in interest, the monkey climbed up the rock and sat by his master’s feet waiting to be addressed. 

The captain looked down into Bean’s eyes, “The orange banana, it’s in this tree… in all these trees. Beans this means we are on the island of Banoragnte, and that means that the island’s mysterious treasure is ours.”

Jackoleta struggled (being average height) to reach the bananas. Beans could have easily gotten it for her, but the captain had a tendency not to ask for help. In another attempt to grab the fruit Jackoleta jumped, but as she landed on the rock, she lost her footing and fell to the mossy ground. 

The captain grunted in pain as she stood, bearing most of her weight on her stronger ankle. Beans glared at her without a drop of sympathy. 

“Alright ya stupid monkey, help me get the banana,” the captain gritted her teeth as she said the words. 

Beans, although having been addressed in an unpleasant manner, climbed up the tree and easily grabbed the banana, mainly glad that Jackoleta had finally asked for his help.

“Alrighty Beans,” Jackoleta said as Beans handed her the orange banana, “Let us go get this treasure.”

As the two traversed the muddy woods again a duck appeared from a clearing.

“ I can lead you to the treasure,” he said as a wide smile appeared on his face.

Jackoleta turned to her monkey, her face painted with the joy of sudden luck.

Posted December 19, 2023 by addisonco in category class writing

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