November 8

Martha’s Vineyard

Martha’s Vineyard by Ellie P


I don’t know how long the car ride was. Hours I’m sure. Maybe even days. The long endless feeling trip, but to an unforgettable place. I have not been to Cape Cod in years, but forgot the greatness about it. The long campfire nights and the toasty burnt marshmallows with Reeses Cups. Laughing and gossiping until two in the morning with my best friend and family, and projecting movies anyway we could while squished on one bed in the camper.

On a cloudy-ish day we had nothing planned, we decided to take a day trip to Martha’s Vineyard. We got up super early and drove to the marina to get a huge ferry, called the Nantucket. We went up to the deck outside and took our seats, which were surprisingly comfortable and felt like the seats you would find in an auditorium. On the way over, as soon as we departed the wind picked up a fair amount and my hair stood up like a troll. The smell of the salty, fresh, summer air was refreshing to breathe in. The boat ride was over before I knew it. It felt short but was a good forty-five minutes. Getting off the boat: my legs were shaky from all the rocking but we kept walking. 

We decided to get lunch first even though it was only eleven, but we were glad we went early. The lunch spot we wanted to go to was all the way across the island so we got on a bus that shuttles around the island and embarrassed the very cramped ride. It smelled kind of bad but the windows were open for a while. As soon as my family got off we started walking a few blocks to a delicious restaurant called The Seafood Shanty. It took so long to get a table but I ordered my food right away. Shirley temples and fish and chips are the way to go when you’re eating on the waterfront. The view was beautiful and by that time the clouds cleared up to full sun. The waiters and waitresses were super nice and all had british accents. When the food was walking out to us it smelled fresh and I remember biting into the fish brought back all the thoughts and memories of being up north eating on the water. The taste was crisp and fresh with salty hints.

Shopping was personally my favorite part. We went to a variety of shops such as: Souvenir shops, Vineyard Vines, The Black Dog, and Lululemon. There was a lot of walking and I got very tired. The day we went was very crowded, and we learned there was a big bike race across the whole island. My mom took many pictures, but I couldn’t because my phone was broken. We walked around a bit- my friend and I laughing practically the entire time, then decided to get ice cream. My mom was searching and found a cute, little, family-owned shop and so we stopped there. Walking in it smelled the sweet ice cream smell, with many fun, colorful decorations. The rain started to pick up for the day and we had to head back to our boat, so we started walking anyway. We were the first ones on the dock, and the feeling of it rocking back and forth felt like I was on a wobbly wooden bridge. We got on board in the pouring rain and walking inside it was very loud from all the rain echoing, and the workers around to do their job. It was a very rocky ride back, but it was such a fun trip. When we got back to the car, we were talking all about how fun it was to go, and what a great experience it was.

Posted November 8, 2023 by msvirgin in category class writing

About the Author

The most important part of my life is my family. I have a toddler who keeps me on my toes, two adopted dogs who brighten my day with sloppy puppy kisses, and a supportive husband who's by my side through it all. When I'm not spending time with them, I'm at school with my students. I teach 9th grade, creative writing, and public speaking and I advise for the GSA. A few of my hobbies include working out, riding my bike, and camping. These are also some of the topics I like to write about. I tend to pull most of my writing from my personal and professional life.

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