November 1


If there are alleys inside me, there must also be hallways. I walk slowly so I can feel my way, there’s no light in this hallway. I got this feeling, it’s not nice on the other end, yet, hesitantly, I still walk slowly to that side. I feel a door finally, when I open it, it’s-it’s me, it’s me from a year ago, my family and I are in that room- it’s a church filled with beautifully colored stained glass windows and long, wooden benches that were seated with my family, and his. I vividly remember that day, everyone was crying, crying over the loss of my baby brother. I remember the day, January 26th, 2017, the day before my 14th birthday.

Looking into that room with my memory playing inside, I felt heartbroken, I felt heartbroken for my mother, my siblings, I felt it for me. Looking into that room I saw the box and flowers that contain the ashes of my baby brother, the box was made by his sister’s husband; it was beautiful. Looking into that room made me remember that was the day when I realized that you never truly care for someone or something until that thing is gone. I lost three people on that dreadful day, my brother, my mother, and myself.

When I’m done looking at this hurtful reminder, I want to close this door, but it won’t shut. I try so hard to shut it but it is hesitant. Finally, it slams as though it was slammed by someone who was in anguish, and I stand for a moment clueless, then, I slowly turn around and try to feel my way to the next door in this dark hallway.

Posted November 1, 2018 by cherishmccoy in category class writing

1 thoughts on “Hallway

  1. msvirgin

    This writing is powerful and emotional throughout, but the line that really got me was “I lost three people that day, my brother, my mother, and myself.” Wow – so much meaning behind that one sentence.


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