April 2

Ocean city

It was a warm breezy night in ocean city New Jersey. The day started off well, me and Hannah were tanning by the pool when we saw a group of people who looked our age coming to the pool as well, we didn’t think much about it and went back to tanning, after we tanned for the majority of the day we decided to drive around the campsite because the site gave you free golf carts. Fast forward we became friends with all of the kids our age and we planned to hang out with them all, that night. Me and Hannah went back to her camper to get ready for the night and the vibes were good. Eventually we met up with Burns, Allyssa, Ty, Sean, and Frank and we all decided that we were going to hang out on the beach. It was really fun we all talked and hung out then me and hannah went off with Burns, Frank, Sean, and Ty and decided to drive around some more, so we all pile on to this golf cart me, Burns, and Frank in the front and Hannah, Sean, and Ty in the back. We’re just about to pull out of the driveway when Hannah decides that she needs to fix her shorts Frank didn’t realize that Hannah was standing up and it felt like time slowed down in the time span of 10 seconds Frank stepped on the gas as hard as he could sending hannah flying off the back of the golf cart. Hannah landed with the loudest thud I’ve ever heard causing Sean and Ty to go into a panic because Hannah was laying on the pavement in the positions you see on those fake murder cases that draw out the body not saying a word. Her bracelet shattered on the pavement causing everyone to think she shattered her teeth. Me Burns and Frank didn’t Notice she fell off at first so we kept driving until we heard Sean and Ty screaming STOP, STOP THE CART!! It felt like we were in a fast and furious scene the way that Frank drifted the golf cart to a stop, spinning a whole 360 degrees towards Hannah. Laying on the pavement looking all discombobulated, not making a sound, and not moving an inch Hannah stayed in that position for what felt like years. Causing everyone on the cart to start screaming to see if she was okay, finally she started to rise from the ground laughing, causing me to breathe a breath that felt like it was stuck in my lungs for decades. Hannah was okay and we all started laughing feeling nothing but relief that she wasn’t seriously hurt and only had a couple scrapes on her elbow and knees. After that we talked and laughed about what happened and continued to have a good time throughout the night.

April 2

15 Years

15 Years

Five-Thousand-Six-Hundred-eighty-three, that’s how many days I have to choose from. How could I pick one that’s my most memorable?

Was it the day I caught my first fish on the camping trip with my dad? Was it going to the park on my bike at sunset with all my childhood friends? Was it the day I had made lemonade for my entire neighborhood and got $50? Was it my first valentine’s day with my boyfriend? Or was it meeting my best friend, maria? Was it doing matching halloween costumes with Vickie and getting so much candy that our bags were overfilling? Was it going to New York City or skiing for the first time? Was it hitting a lib in my stunt group after so much failure? Was it my first sleepover with my friends after we had been waiting for weeks? But was it watching the sunrise on the lone beach, with not a person in sight?


But I don’t remember the days. I remember the moments. I don’t remember the day I caught my first fish or my first sleepover. I remember how happy I was to make these moments and memories. I remember how proud I was to earn that money, learn how to ski, and hit that new skill. I remember the hot August air on my skin, as I ran to the slide. I remember the laughter and joy we had at that park. I remember feeling like I was in a different world, as I looked at the bright city lights, and the sound of the buzzing crowd around me. I remember the peace I felt at that beach, as the breeze blew my hair. I remember the content I felt through these memories. 


I don’t remember whole days. Just moments, that I can’t give a date or a time. Just 15 years of moments, memories. These moments that make up my life and who I am. 


April 2

Just a place.


758 Shropshire Drive, is nothing but an address to some people but to me, it was a place I spent the majority of my life. A place I shared so many laughs, so many cries, worst days, and best days. From the street you see the last house in a line of town homes, on the side of the house the foundation was cracking, the paint on the window cills was peeling and a window in the front of the house was shattered. As you take a walk inside on the broken concrete you see a bright red door and a small tree left of the house that looked like it was about to crash and fall. The kitchen was painted a horrible dark purple and on the walls was convered in marks where my dad tried to spakle but never finished, the ceiling was stained and cracked with water damage. But that is what you see on the outside, on the inside is where you see the memories. 

Inside In the entryway is where I fell down the stairs and broke my first bone, the living room where my parents told me they were going to adopt my brother. In the kitchen, I blew out my birthday candle for each birthday, the basement where my brothers and I played touch football and broke the TV, or the basement steps where my brothers and I would put a bunch of pillows at the bottom of the steps and slide down in laundry baskets, through the kitchen was the microwave that never seemed to work, or the fridge that’s ice machine would just drop ice on to the floor and leave it wet. 

Upstairs is a zigzag hallway, through the hallway is my room, a place I made so many memories. My carpet stained with paint, markers, or slime that I made with my childhood best friend. My walls painted yellow and punctured with tack and nail holes from when I tried to hang pictures. My bedroom wall I shared with my brothers, I used to fall asleep to them jumping off there bunk beds on to the floor, or playing mario cart on their WII. When I would play my music to loud I would here a bang on the wall from my brother telling to quite down. 

All these memories flood through my brain, just a place, but so much more than that. Now a new house stands in its place with a new family to make memories in.