June 4

moving on


Dias nublados 

This past year had been the best year knowing i had you by my side, but good things can sometimes come to an end

This past year i enjoyed every memory i had made with you,  i’ll still cherish them even if we are not together 

We had our ups and we had our downs like most couples, but yet you never failed to put a smile  on my face

Although we had gone through a lot in one year we never failed to put those disagreements aside knowing they weren’t worth our attention 

I’ll forever hold you close to my heart even if i’m not the girl you want

Maybe in another lifetime we did things right and it didn’t have come to an end

Maybe in another lifetime we were really meant to be, but solo dios sabe what he’ll be holding for us in the future.

They say that your second love is the hardest to overcome, i didn’t believe that till i really experienced it

I know were young but who knows you could be my right person just wrong timing

For now it’s time for me to find myself again and maybe in the future we’ll find each other again, si dios quiere

Todo el las manos de dios

Tal vez en otra galaxia si fue diferente 

“Nuestra historia, ya es historia y me gusto”- Junior H

see more here https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Fvzu6whnKvJQBXW90_zm8puPdBxXcZFPpnKRuOSzYAY/edit?usp=sharing


Posted June 4, 2024 by yvettep in category class writing

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