June 4

Perception of nature

I am interested in this topic because I’ve such a fascination about how people perceive things especially people and things, and I think the usage of nature can be used to probe people into changing their way of thinking or acting about nature, it is also used to compare people or loving relationships to the beauty of nature. Or just to simply admire that beauty of nature.

Click here for the full view of project. 

June 4

Reason for all

Melanie’s concept of immortality is very interesting and how she incorporates it into her songs


I’m heading straight down below

 oh so long ago 

thought I found the one but he held a gun 

didn’t think he’d do this

I was just foolish

 all these cuts he made with the blade

Thought i fell in love but really it was pain


click here to view full project


June 4

My notes from IT Chapter 2

It chapter two is a movie based off the book by Stephen King released in 1986, i chose this move because I liked how Pennywise strategized his kills and manipulates his victims. I chose this movie as my mentor text because it is one of my favorite movies and the plot is very interesting. I wanted to write a story based off plot of the movie. I liked the way that King slowly built up the plot of the story and i wanted to recreate the slow build up.


See how i drive down the straight road ahead

Me and you side by side

Ride past the cars of different colors as the sun sets

Out of the town we used to call home where people

Of all race, gender and ethnicity were “welcome”

The sirens wailing behinds us

Sunset colors somehow making your eyes more beautiful

On the empty highway, we speed past every tree,

Your hair is like winter fire, flowing in the wind,

Color red and blue flashing behind us, but we keep going, 

TV alerts of us in every house of the town,

Screen doors sliding open and angry parents shaking their fists st us, yet your eyes are on me, the little specks of blue catch my eye.


feel free to check out the rest of my slides!



June 4

moving on


Dias nublados 

This past year had been the best year knowing i had you by my side, but good things can sometimes come to an end

This past year i enjoyed every memory i had made with you,  i’ll still cherish them even if we are not together 

We had our ups and we had our downs like most couples, but yet you never failed to put a smile  on my face

Although we had gone through a lot in one year we never failed to put those disagreements aside knowing they weren’t worth our attention 

I’ll forever hold you close to my heart even if i’m not the girl you want

Maybe in another lifetime we did things right and it didn’t have come to an end

Maybe in another lifetime we were really meant to be, but solo dios sabe what he’ll be holding for us in the future.

They say that your second love is the hardest to overcome, i didn’t believe that till i really experienced it

I know were young but who knows you could be my right person just wrong timing

For now it’s time for me to find myself again and maybe in the future we’ll find each other again, si dios quiere

Todo el las manos de dios

Tal vez en otra galaxia si fue diferente 

“Nuestra historia, ya es historia y me gusto”- Junior H

see more here https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Fvzu6whnKvJQBXW90_zm8puPdBxXcZFPpnKRuOSzYAY/edit?usp=sharing


June 4

Clone wars is one of my favorite shows from my childhood, I still enjoy watching it occasionally. During my time in the past few classes we’ve had I have begun to like dialogue so, I tried to create my own using two things I like to do currently by making a fan made star wars dialogue.


Hexx “I don’t like the feel of this place, Sage Mize keeps close.”

Sage “Yes sir, Malachor V has seen too much bloodshed.. so many lives of our brothers lost all for nothing.”

(Sage kicks a old piece of scrap metal) 

Mize “Keep your eyes peeled. The enemy could be lurking anywhere.”

Hexx “Company’s coming I can hear them switch radio channels now! Get ready for any ambushes.

(A blase of smoke rushes past mize)

Sage “Hey cap they know we’re here!”

(sage starts violently shooting his rifle in the direction the gas)

Hexx “ Get down!”

Hexx “Mize! Flank right around the rock”

Hexx “ Sage! Cover fi-r”

Sage “ Already on it cap. Mize take this with you”

(Sage toss’s Mize a thermal detonator)(Mize catches it barley dropping it)

Sage “ Make it count, that’s the last one!”

(Sage start to shoot towards the right) (sage get brutally pierced by a nearby bolt he then thuds to the ground speechless)

Mize “ Sage!”

Hexx” get going already or we’ll be next to!” 

(Hexx ducks and craws over towards Sage)

Hexx “ Sage..SAGESAGE!

(Hexx starts vigorously shaking Sage from behind)


(Mize flips his radio off and starts crawling towards the enemy line)

Mize “ I’m Going to kill you for what you’ve done to sage”

(Mize sneaks up and seizes one of the enemy soldiers he deploys his hidden knife and impale’s the back of the enemy’s armor making the gun fire cease)

Mize “Take that you damn piece of filth” 

(Mize then starts to sprint back to his comrades”

Mize “ Hexx! Sage! Where are you”

(Out pops a hand with red armor on it dragging Mize down to the ground)

Hexx “Shut…up! or you’re going to give our position away, for all we know there’s going to be reinforcements on the way. We need to leave now. Help me lift Sage up, grab his gear and follow me.”


Please feel free to come check the rest of my slide out hope you enjoy!


June 4


I did Moana so I could study her character development!

Blackout Poem:

I remember knowing
I could come back to the path
where I see the island.
Maybe if the light shines the sea seems like it’s calling to me

June 3

BlackOut Bible verse

I studied the Bible and how God tells us to treat others.

June 3

The South Temple

An old temple has a chance to be found if the party wanders outside of city bounds at the city of Weiste. The temple is surrounded by ruins, like it used to be part of Weiste. That part of the city was ambushed and destroyed in an uprising, the temple had a protection spell placed upon it, that spell has worn off, which leaves the temple to be in its current state. The structures are located to the south of the Weiste wall. The well outside the temple supplies fresh water to the party, as well as a place to rest


As you gaze down the ridge  you see a structure resembling what looks like a place of worship, for which deity, you’re unsure. The building is in ruin, stained glass windows and crystal embellishments decorate the outside walls of the temple. Vines and other plants wind around the cracks and imperfections of each wall. Scattered around the base of the tower, are remnants of other buildings, now resembling small towers and walls. Inside the temple looks as run down and abandoned as its exterior. Positioned at the end of the main hall, is a perfectly preserved altar, with offerings spread across it, in pristine condition. The room contains an aura of magic, as if there is another presence, yet nobody is in sight. 


The temple is occupied by a mage under a youth spell. She has medium length black hair, her hands are covered in what looks like soot, bleeding down her arms. As a result of her dark magic, she looks human, yet some of her features appear distorted or abnormal.


When performing a successful perception check inside the temple. You can see the altar covered in runes, worshiping a goddess of luck and fertility. The offerings consist of food, crystals, potions, herbs, and other magic items. If the party chooses to loot the altar, then the mage who inhabits the temple will show herself. She will ask the party what their business is at her temple, if they decide to negotiate, she has potential to become an ally to the party. 

If the party chooses to initiate combat

Her combat stats and saving throws

If the party can successfully defeat her, they gain the loot from the altar, bu they must return back to the main city bounds.